IN-DI - Inclusion and Diversity in all Fields of Education

Abstract and Content

IN-DI - Inclusion and Diversity in all Fields of Education

Project Reference:  2021-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000023943 - ERASMUS+ - KA2 Project Cooperation Partnerships


Duration: 01.11.2021 - 31.12.2023 (26 months)

Well-being is important for the development of important democratic competencies. Positive emotions are linked to the development of flexibility and adaptability, openness to other cultures and beliefs, self-efficacy and tolerance of ambiguity.

The main goal of the project is to support teachers, school leaders and other educational professions in the field of inclusion and well-being. Good practices will be shared and adopted in their own teaching. Based on a research part analyzing the aspects of inclusion and well-being, a guide of good practices and tools will be created.

The project will focus on the impact of different factors that are conducive to inclusion in schools across Europe. The tool for dealing with the issue of inclusion in the participating countries will be the issue of well-being. Since well-being has many faces, improving the well-being of students in schools requires a whole-school approach. The project will incorporate many benefits of improving well-being as an important part of school inclusion.

There are 3 training events planned to train staff to create the project outcomes and also to pilot the activities. The activities will also have a virtual part that will precede the face-to-face part. The dissemination of the project results will be organized during the multiplier events in each participating country.

There are partners from 6 European countries involved: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Latvia and the Czech Republic.


In this project we cooperate with the National Agency of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.


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