Abstract  |  Background   |  Objectives  |  Result: Competence Matrix (Workpackage 2)  |  Result: Sustainable Matrix (Workpackage 3)  |
Result: Training Occupations (Workpackage 4)   |  Result: Learning Modules (Workpackage 5)   |  Partnership   |  Transnational Activities   |
Impact  |  Dissemination

GeTinVET - Training Occupations (work package 4)

Objectives in detail:

1.) To select as many relevant occupations in initial vocational training in the partner institutions as possible that represent sub-areas of Building Service Engineering and to describe the relevance of these occupations within Building Service Engineering (competence profiles).

2.) The mapping of relevant competences of as many occupations as possible in initial vocational training as a sub-area of BSE within the competence matrix.

3.) To make it as easy as possible for outsiders to recognise and understand interfaces (cross-sectional competences) between the individual relevant occupations and to identify them within the competence matrix.

4.) To make it as easy as possible to recognise and understand the relevant cross-sectional competences between the occupations within the overlapping of mapped competence profiles (e.g. assembling and disassembling building systems, repairing building systems, etc.).

5.) The aim in the transition to work package 5 is the selection of at least 4 suitable intersections in which the interdisciplinary learning modules are to be developed.

Main results of this work package

1.) A description of the characteristics of the relevant training occupations in digital form and published here in November 2024 in a form that can be understood throughout Europe.

2.) A coloured overview of relevant training occupations within the competence matrix. A separate competence profile is created for each relevant training occupation within the competence matrix (one separate competence profile for each relevant training occupation) and published on the project website.

3.) Notes and explanations on the procedure and the characteristics of the mapping in digital form on the project website.
4.) A coloured representation of intersections of individual relevant training occupations within the competence matrix (overlapping of competence profiles). Separate "overlappings" are created between the countries and between the occupations. These will be published here in November 2024.

5.) An explanations on the procedure of the "overlapping" on the project website. In particular, it will be explained how a competence description is to be understood for e.g. an electrician or e.g. a heating technician and which cross-sectional competences are relevant for the other occupation.

6.) A commented evaluation on the use of the project results of work package 4.