Transnational Project Meetings

To plan, organise and coordinate the project work, five physical project meetings were originally planned in the project. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, only the kick-off meeting in Cologne in November 2019 could physically take place. Until the final meeting in March 2022, several virtual meetings took place in the form of video conferences, some of which lasted several days.  



Kick-off Meeting

During the first meeting all partners presented their institutions and themselves by preselected items to have a better understanding among each other. Second topic was an introdustion of the project. With reference to the application the background of the project and the main objectives of the project were described and first ideas of the Summer School were explained. Third topic was to create a compendium of relevant digital tools and methods. Each partner agreed to try out at least two digital tools, and reports on the pedagogical focus and the experience with them during the next meeting. Advantages and disadvantages and possible areas of application were presented and discussed afterwards. The Czech partner Vysocina presented his ideas for IO1 and prepare a proposal for an introductory Escape Room session until the next meeting. Until the next meeting all partners tested and evaluated the method and decided on amendments and further steps. After that the partners discussed different approaches to design the modules in IO2.


Several virtual meetings to plan and coordinate the IO work

In the further course of the project, several smaller and larger virtual project meetings were held to ensure the concrete development of the intellectual outputs. As an example have a look to the following minutes:



Virtual Meeting June 2021

The focus of this meeting was the evaluation of the teaching training modules against the background of the summer school. For this purpose, the prerequisites that the individual modules should fulfil were discussed once again and the respective target groups that were to be reached were focused on. These prerequisites were processed in the individual working groups responsible for developing the modules, especially in workshops.


Virtual Meeting July 2021

The focus of the virtual meeting in June 2021 was the concrete planning of the LTTA - Summer School. Alternative proposals were discussed with their advantages and disadvantages. The main aim was to motivate participants to take part in the Summer School. In preparation for this meeting, two alternative proposals left over from the last virtual meeting were discussed. The result was the agenda of the Summer School (see column Summer School).

Virtual Meetings from July 21 until March 22

In the meantime and especially after the Summer School, several smaller virtual meetings took place in which the partner institutions presented their agendas for the implementation of the Multiplier Events. The results of the Summer School and tips from the Summer School participants were also taken on board. The results of these meetings were the agendas for the 5 national multiplier events (see column Multiplier Events)

Final virtual Meeting March 2022

The focus of the last virtual project meeting was the evaluation of the project results. To this end, all partners once again discussed the results promised in the application and the results delivered to date. Agreements were reached on which results still need to be worked on by which partners. The last virtual project meeting also focused on an evaluation of the multiplier events and a final discussion of the dissemination activities.



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