Abstract  |  Background  |  Objectives   |  Result: Competence Matrix (Workpackage 2)  |  Result: Sustainable Matrix (Workpackage 3)  |
Result: Training Occupations (Workpackage 4)  |   Result: Learning Modules (Workpackage 5)  |  Partnership  |  Transnational Activities   |
Impact  |  Dissemination

GeTinVET - Objectives

Buildings account for a large proportion of the European Union's energy consumption. At the same time the intelligent interconnection of technical components of buildings requires more interdisciplinary cooperation than ever before. For this reason, the classic professions of initial vocational training in the fields of electrical engineering, supply engineering and construction engineering must be enabled to work together in a networked manner to support also the EU`s climate goals.
Both the trainees in the classic occupational fields of electrical engineering, supply engineering and building technology and thus also the teachers who teach there must increasingly work together in an interdisciplinary manner and develop sustainable action competence as the ability to think and act in a professionally appropriate and sustainable manner. Cross-sectional competences from building, electrical and supply engineering professions expanded by "sustainable action competence" are becoming increasingly important for VET. These cross-sectional competences, which are identified in the project through the learning modules for direct use in the classroom, contribute to supporting the targets for achieving the EU`s climate protection goals in the building sector.